7 must have Innovation Skills
The workshop will enable attendees to identify and reflect on their existing innovation power and identify their current “Innovation
Gap” for continuous development. It will take them on a personal journey of reflection via seven essential innovation skills and
insights that a creative person MUST nurture – to be “future ready” for any industry. Based on a plethora of real life contemporary
references (Multi-media etc..) and potpourri blend of real life experiences (from historical truths to modern industry leaders). The
students will get an interesting and fun chance to do a self-check of their current “Innovation future readiness” via a quick
innovation gap activity and handout (take-away).
Speaker and workshop facilitator:
Marko Bervanakis, Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d., Zagreb
Marko Bervanakis (B. Electrical/Electronic Eng., Dipl. Education. VUT & Melb. University, Aus.) is
currently based in Croatia within ERICSSON Nikola Tesla d.d. Croatia. In the past – he has also worked
in other Global Telecoms companies (i.e. both within the EU & in Australia) in various R&D
environments, Engineering Customer Support Services, as a technical trainer-educator and innovation
coach/manager. Along the way, he has also worked as a Science & Mathematics teacher in both primary
& secondary schools. In turn, he is currently the global Ericsson Innovation Awards Mentor lead and
often facilitates innovative workshops for Ericsson’s global customer base.